Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Michelle of 2011

I missed out on this whole 25 things dealio while I was on my mission, but I figured it would be a good way to start up the blog again.

1.Those online quiz things are addicting. I don't know why I have know what shade of blue I am, but it seemed rather important ten minutes ago.
2. I obviously spend way too much time on the internet.
3. I have a strange desire to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro.
4. I really want to get a cute short haircut, but I always chicken out at the last minute.
5. One time a man in the cereal isle saw my cart and asked me, "Do you have a lot of kids, or do you just like cereal?"
6. I had 2 goldfish named Romulus and Remus, but oddly enough only Remus survived. Does that mean the fishbowl kingdom would be named Reme?
7. I can pronounce gyro correctly.
8. I have successfully roomed with the right group of girls to the point where I have never had to purchase any furniture or kitchen essentials.
9. I love scouring the newspaper but end up mostly just reading the comics.
10. As a small child, I pretended to be a Christmas elf and did little things for my parents, but then I felt guilty for deceiving them. Little did I know WHO was being deceived...
11. I think the world should be more friendly to people that go by their middle names. Everyone wants to know why, and clarifying paperwork is really exhausting at times. Is this really such a huge request?
12. I once won an award for "The Little Engine That Could." I have no idea what this really means.
13. I sometimes misspell my own name. The -elle and -ell at the end throw me off when I'm in a hurry. Plus e's and l's look rather similar in my sloppy cursive.
14. My current obsessions include: Hulu, grocery shopping, warm socks, my car, and making lists.
15. Yes I'm a music major. And no, I don't listen to only classical music.
16. I believe I have been to the symphony and the drag races in the same week.
17. I can name all the presidents in order.
18. My sister likes to point out that her name is appropriately an anagram for 'aimless'. I'm still trying to figure out if 'hell mice' can be applicable to my life.
19. There are few things in this world that are greater than sipping a cup of hot chocolate.
20. I have an irrational fear of spiders.
21. There is a cardboard cutout of Taylor Lautner in my apartment at this very moment.
22. But it needs to go, because it's super creepy.
23. Turns out 25 things is a lot of things.
24. I'm gonna try to make my life more interesting by 2012.
25. But no promises.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

For those who don't know, I am leaving for the coolest mission in about 3 weeks! I am headed to the Greece Athens Mission on June 4th. This lovely event has allowed me to quit my also lovely job working as harp tuner extraordinaire and shipping expert for Lyon & Healy West. So for all you who read my blog(aka Melissa) here are some of my favorite memories of my new old work.

1. My work operates out of David O' McKay's old home. The PTA also used this house for many years. Needless to say, this house is pretty darn old. When people come to the store they have to ring the doorbell, there are rocking chairs out on the front patio, and I once found a secret compartment in one of the stairs.

2. I once broke one of the house's old windows with my bare hands while trying to get rid of some box elder bugs. It would have been just awful-- if it wasn't incredibly hilarious.

3. Kenneth Cope came in once. I should have ended the madness that day...

4. I also recently met Travis Meeks- the lead singer of the slightly famous post-grunge band Days of the New. I was pretty sure he was going to rob our store when he first came in, but then he spent about two hours looking at our harps, singing to me, and telling me all about how he spent most of his life in a mental institution but that "the best ones do." He of course didn't know how to play the harp at all, but apparently he wants to record with it on his next album. My boss finally came and intervened and (one hour later) somehow convinced him to by a music stand light.

5. There were treats at every staff meeting.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Midterm Review

It's been quite a semester and we're only approaching midterms. Here are some highlights and lowlights for you enjoyment.

Favorite lie- Convincing my writing teacher that I am going to be a concert harpist when in reality I am not even taking any classes in the music building this semester.

Least convincing lie- Trying to forge hanging parking tags to put on the rear view mirror of my mother's van(nice ride, I know). My favorite was the one I made out of a Costco pizza pickup receipt.

Favorite class- Kickboxing. Unfortunately, this is the only class I am not receiving a grade in.

Favorite person- My UPS man. Okay, he's not my UPS man- but he's my work's UPS man, and he is just the friendliest person I know.

Current Obsessions- String cheese, the facebook graffiti application, my new glasses, and cinnamon.

Favorite coat- I pretty much wear the same green coat ever day because it is dang cold outside and this lovely coat keeps me nice and warm. I have also received some excellent feedback on this coat...

  • Me: (raises hand to ask a question)
  • My institute teacher: Um... yes... You in the Vietnam coat.

Not quite the feedback I was hoping for... but apparently my favorite warm coat was also used in combat. Who knew?

Musical discoveries- sis melis and I have had an ongoing music exchange recently. My favorite new aquisitions have been selections from The New Pornographers, Brandi Carlile, and Kate Nash.

Uncomfortable situations:

Turning bright red every time I answer or ask a question in class.

Accidentally filling out a psychology class survey wrong and being asked to do a follow up questionnaire on my "current depression."

Getting my blood pressure taken from a nurse with the worst bedside manner of any health care professional I know. I was pretty sure she was going to make my arm fall off.

3 Things I'm looking forward to at the end of the semester-

David's wedding
The mish
No more snow!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Yet another reason why we love Tom Selleck

January 29th seems like such a great day for a birthday. So I took a look at my celebrity birthday buds.

My favorites include:

Tom Selleck

(what could be greater than this discovery?)

Oprah Winfrey

(I feel an overwhelming sense of pride knowing that I share my birthday with the most powerful woman on the planet)

William McKinley

(Not the most photogenic president, but nothing says happy birthday like a $500 bill)

Jonny Lang

(The boy has mad skills)

Some others on my list:

Andrew Keegan
Sara Gilbert
Heather Graham
Greg Louganis
Teresa Teng
Ann Jillian
Katharine Ross
John Forsythe
Victor Mature
Huddie "Leadbelly" Ledbetter
W.C. Fields

Okay, so I don't know who these people are, but I'm sure they are awesome.

Post Google search: These people are definitely famous.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Why Wicked Works

This May I went to go see the new musical Wicked. And did it live up to the hype...? Is the Pope Catholic? I've been thinking and here are a couple of reasons why I think this musical appeals to so many.

And there you have it. It's not the best list ever but it was on my mind. Feel free to add your reasons why you love or hate this musical.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Survey Away

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

What’s something you do that you wish you didn’t do?
Bite my nails

What was the last song you sang when no one else was around?
Be Still My Soul (Hey, it was a Sunday!)

In the movie about your life, which actor would you choose to play you?
Katie Holms ??? I dunno (any suggestions?)

Where’s the last place you went on vacation?
Yellowstone National Park

If you were arrested, who would be your “one phone call?”
Mom--so she could break the news to Dad.

What book are you currently reading?
The End, Series of Unfortunate Events Book 13

What historical event would you like to have been present for?
The discovery of chocolate

What historical figure would you like to have met?
Madame Curie

Name something you can’t do very well.
Touch my toes (no, seriously)

What's the worst injury you've suffered?
Getting my front teeth knocked loose

Name one thing that makes you a “freak of nature.”
My eyebrows grow into large caterpillars

What’s one thing you would do as President of the United States?
Dance in the Oval Office

What day in your life would you like to go back and watch as a spectator?
Me dancing in the oval office- oh wait that hasn't happened yet... hmmm, I would like to watch me as a little kid on a summer day.

What song currently tops your “most played” list in iTunes?
Definitely Le Disco by Shiny Toy Guns. It's quite addicting.

Name something you intend to do but haven’t done yet.
My homework. (No surprise there)

If you could do anything you wanted today, then rewind the day and start over fresh—no consequences—what would you do?
Sing really loud in public areas.

What’s your favorite city you’ve ever visited?
Magna (thanks Melissa)

If you could be transported for just one day anywhere in the world, where would you go?

What was your most recent purchase?
Food of course. But besides that I also bought Organic Chemistry II as a Second Language, Second Semester Topics. A thrilling read...

Name one thing you’re looking forward to doing this week?
Finally posting on my blog.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Star Wars Horoscope for Aquarius
You can be cruel and torment people who disagree with you.
Deep down, there is a peace-loving, friendly side to you.
You have a knack for inflicting pain on people and use your intellect during battle.

Star wars character you are most like: Darth Vader
What Is Your Star Wars Horoscope?

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